Welcome to my site! This is where I post and blog on various things within IT. I typically focus on Security, however there are so many different and interesting areas of IT, so you may come across posts on things like PowerBI, Device Management and PowerShell (to name a few).
I’m always learning, and certainly don’t claim to know everything! So please do comment and point me in the right direction.
There are no adverts on this site! This site isn’t designed to be a money maker and is instead just a place where I can write and share content to the world!
About Me
Gennaro is a technical specialist by day, gamer by night. Although he is sometimes caught gaming early in the morning and tinkering with tech in the evening.
Gennaro has a professional focus in Cyber Security and a background in cloud and identity. Most of my day consists of consulting with clients, understanding security needs and aligning solutions that can help. Gennaro is a big fan of the CIS Framework (Version 8, Top 18) and uses this to structure engagements with clients.
When the sun goes down, Gennaro can still be found in front of his PC. Gennaro is the go-to out of his friends for Horror Games, being a massive fan of the Resident Evil and Silent Hill series. However, Gennaro has been found to play FPS’s like Destiny, CSGO, Valorant and Call of Duty just to maintain the social aspect with his friends.
Site Rules
Feel free to share any of my content. Additionally please feel free to copy content, but where possible do credit me by linking in my site. The internet is a place to share information, but give credit where its due.
Comments are moderated for obvious reasons. I get a lot of spam from bots, so I do require sometime to sift through and approve the legit stuff.